4. आय निधि:
इनकम फंड्स को छोटी और लंबी अवधि की डेट सिक्योरिटीज दोनों में लगाया जाता है। निवेश सरकारी, सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र और निजी क्षेत्र की कंपनियों में फैला हो सकता है।
5. गिल्ट फंड:
गिल्ट फंड्स का निवेश मध्यम और दीर्घकालिक सरकारी प्रतिभूतियों में किया जाता है। जैसा कि यह सवाल में सरकारी प्रतिभूतियां हैं, जोखिम तत्व कम है, तरलता अधिक है और कीमतें ब्याज दर में बदलाव के प्रति संवेदनशील हैं।
6. डायनेमिक डेट फंड:
डायनेमिक डेट फंड्स के मामले में, प्रतिभूतियों के प्रकार या उनकी परिपक्वता अवधि पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है। जब ब्याज दर जोखिम और क्रेडिट जोखिम की बात आती है, तो डायनेमिक डेट फंड्स का प्रबंधन लचीला और गतिशील होता है।
7. फ़्लोटिंग रेट फ़ंड:
जैसा कि नाम से पता चलता है, फ्लोटिंग रेट फंड मुख्य रूप से फ्लोटिंग रेट डेट इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स में निवेश करते हैं। इस तरह की प्रतिभूतियों की कूपन दर साधन की अवधि के लिए तय नहीं है। ऐसी प्रतिभूतियों की रीसेट अवधि बांड जारी करने के समय होती है। समझदार बनो, अमीर बनो।
Both liquid funds and debt funds are types of mutual
What are liquid funds?
Liquid funds are debt mutual funds. They invest in money
market instruments with a maximum maturity of 91 days. Therefore, they earn the
lowest interest rate among debt funds. The best thing about liquid funds is
that they are highly liquid. In addition, liquid funds are one of the best
mutual funds to earn good returns in the short term if you have unutilized
money in your bank account.
What are debt funds?
Debt funds are held for a long period in fixed income
instruments such as debt markets or bonds (government, corporate). Debt funds
offer a stable income with less risk than equities. Liquid funds, ultra
short-term funds, short-term funds, dynamic bond funds, long-term income funds
and gilt funds are different types of debt funds.
Liquid Fund vs Debt Fund
Debt funds are classified as follows:
1. Short-term debt fund:
Short-term debt funds are also called money market or
liquid funds. They are invested for a period of more than 91 days. Marks'
absence in the market for maturities of less than 60 days makes them less
2. Ultra Short Term Plan:
Ultra short-term plans invest in money market instruments
and short-term securities with a maturity of 365 days. Short-term plans invest
most of your money in short-term debt securities. However, a small portion is
invested in long-term debt securities.
Although short-term funds offer higher returns than
liquid funds and ultra-short-term funds, they are highly risky because they are
exposed to high levels of market risks. Short-term securities yield interest
income and long-term securities, capital gains.
3. Long-term debt fund:
Long term debt funds provide both interest income and
capital appreciation. In long-term debt funds, the price of securities can move
up or down and, therefore, the total returns are volatile compared to
short-term debt funds. This is because the market interest rates and prices of
a bond are inversely related.
4. Income Fund:
Income funds are invested in both short and long term
debt securities. Investment can be spread across government, public sector and
private sector companies.
5. Gilt Fund:
Gilt funds are invested in medium and long-term
government securities. As it is the government securities in question, the risk
element is low, liquidity is high and prices are sensitive to interest rate
6. Dynamic debt fund:
In the case of dynamic debt funds, there is no
restriction on the type of securities or their maturity period. When it comes
to interest rate risk and credit risk, the management of dynamic debt funds is
flexible and dynamic.
7. Floating Rate Fund:
As the name suggests, floating rate funds mainly invest
in floating rate debt instruments. The coupon rate of such securities is not
fixed for the duration of the instrument. The reset period of such securities
is at the time of bond issuance. Be Wise, Be Rich.
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